Your Human Brain Is Like A Super-Computing Hurricane

Is your brain a computer?  Many comparisons are made that our brains are computers, and the software that runs creates our minds.  This is simplistic.  It is partially true. What…

Winning Tomorrow Through Your Actions Today

What you do today will set you up for tomorrow. “the most powerful force in the universe is compound interest” – Albert Einstein (maybe)   You are thinking now.  And,…

Hate Traffic? The Flow And Your Brain

There are studies about who we are – our personality changes – when we drive automobiles, trucks, and ride motorcycles on the roadways.  People look into the psychology of aspects such…

Revenge – The Sweet Complexity

Techniques To Squelch Retribution  “I’ll get you back for this“! – over 1 million results found online. “Revenge is sweet” – Lord Byron, 1819 (and other versions before and since).   From…

Now Is Beautiful

We are designed to be “in” the present moment – the only time we ever are really in. We can bring up the past, and feel as if we are…

How To Change Yourself – Really!

You want to change.  You’re perfect, of course.  But you want to be a little more perfect in, say, one small area. Just wanting something doesn’t usually make it happen. …

Four Steps For Immediate Motivation

Are you right now, this moment, moving yourself towards your goals, or just spending time in a side activity?  Maybe you’re even stuck being counter-productive. Here’s something I’ve dubbed the…