What you do today will set you up for tomorrow. “the most powerful force in the universe is compound interest” – Albert Einstein (maybe) You are thinking now. And,…
Tag: goals
New Year’s Resolutions Ideas For You
What excuse do you have to not be doing your best right now? Maybe it’s your “New Year’s Resolution” mentality. Any time you put off “you”, then you are making…
Use This Motivational Question Process To Get Back On Track!
Are you right now, this moment, moving yourself towards your goals? Or are you spending time in a side activity? Maybe you forgot to stay “on track” and you’re stuck…
Personal Strategies – Introduction
We all use strategy in our daily lives. For many it is a bit of a mystery, a special sauce you put over a challenge in order to solve it.…
Four Steps For Immediate Motivation
Are you right now, this moment, moving yourself towards your goals, or just spending time in a side activity? Maybe you’re even stuck being counter-productive. Here’s something I’ve dubbed the…