Grow… You can do it. Without waiting for New Year’s resolutions, or for tomorrow, or for… anything. You now have in yourself the basic abilities you need to improve yourself.…
Tag: motivation
Success Does Not Require Insanity
Motivational and inspirational advice goes from the calm, to the insane. This post is on the calm side, looking over at crazy. Some motivational speakers make extreme examples of what…
Now Is Beautiful
We are designed to be “in” the present moment – the only time we ever are really in. We can bring up the past, and feel as if we are…
Use This Motivational Question Process To Get Back On Track!
Are you right now, this moment, moving yourself towards your goals? Or are you spending time in a side activity? Maybe you forgot to stay “on track” and you’re stuck…
Four Steps For Immediate Motivation
Are you right now, this moment, moving yourself towards your goals, or just spending time in a side activity? Maybe you’re even stuck being counter-productive. Here’s something I’ve dubbed the…